What are your New Years Traditions?

new years traditions

Weekly chat dedicated to helping you write your personal story in a simple & engaging way. These prompts are all about your New Years Traditions. This week’s questions…… Q1 Do you celebrate #Newyears? Q2 How do you celebrate #Newyears? Q3 Do you have any #newyears #traditions? Q4 Where did they originate? #family #friends #college experience…

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How to Write About Your Favorite Holiday Memory

holiday lights - Favorite Holiday Memory

Talking about your favorite holiday memory with your family is incredibly important. Doing so can help keep the spirit of the holidays alive for generations to come. When children hear their parents and grandparents share stories of past celebrations, it creates a connection to the past that will stay with them forever. Not only that,…

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Your Legacy Recorder with Gael Gilliland – YouTube

  I had the wonderful opportunity in October to be interviewed about Legacy by the Freebird Project. The interview captures exactly what I am aiming to do. We explored the idea of “Simple Storytelling to Healing” and what that might look like for domestic abuse survivors. I firmly believe that having the tools and support…

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