Sad Stories, Scary Moments, and 52 Weeks of Storytelling
Below you'll find videos for writing about “what do you want to be when you grow up”, Sad moments in your life, Scary moments in your life, and more. Don't forget you can catch up on the other prompts and 52 weeks of storytelling on YouTube. If you would like to receive the videos and an outline of the prompts in your email you can grab that by filling in the form below. If you are a staff person or in charge of activities for groups/residents, there is a more in-depth version of the 52 weeks of Storytelling with implementation instruction videos for purchase here.
I can't wait!
Working with someone else
Following this method of interviewing and storytelling with someone else allows you to build rapport and create a stable connection. This means that your Storyteller will be more likely to share harder, more emotional memories later. This relationship-building takes time and shouldn't be rushed whenever possible. If you are working with a grandparent, parent, or someone else you love, you may be able to skip some of these but I still encourage you to start with the prompts and 52 weeks of storytelling.
You didn’t think I would leave you without a map, did you? I’m using the 52 Ways to Write Your Story in a Year With Guided Prompts to guide the prompts every week. You can grab it as a printable PDF from Etsy or head over to Amazon and order a hot off-the-press-bound copy.
Some things that have happened for people as they have been writing and using the journal and could happen for you…
- Become more mindful and aware of your decisions in life
- Learn more about yourself by exploring your family history
- Get to know who you are and what makes you tick
- Get inspired to write a memoir
Week 14 of 52 Weeks of Storytelling- What do you want to be when you grow up
This is week 14 of 52 weeks of Storytelling! In today’s episode, we are writing about what you want to be when you grow up. Watch the video to find out how to get started!
Week 15 of 52 Weeks of Storytelling – Sad moments in your life
This is week 15 of 52 weeks of Storytelling! In today’s episode, we are writing about sad moments in your life. Watch the video to find out how to get started!
Week 16 of 52 Weeks of Storytelling – Scary moments in your life
This is week 16 of 52 weeks of Storytelling! In today’s episode, we are writing about the scary moments in your life. Watch the video to find out how to get started!
Week 17 of 52 Weeks of Storytelling – Choose your own this week
This is week 17 of 52 weeks of Storytelling! In today’s episode, we are writing about your favorite coffee/tea memory. Watch the video to find out how to get started!
Keep on Writing
The struggle to keep writing when you're a caregiver, family member or parent can be very real and taxing. There are many reasons you might find it difficult to write. Maybe you have too much on your plate: taking care of children, an elderly person, managing the household tasks and working full-time outside the home. Perhaps your loved one is in a hospital or nursing home – so they're not available for conversation while at work or away from their bedside.
The reality is that people who care for others often neglect themselves in order to take care of those they love; but there's no need to feel guilty about this! I hope these prompts help you keep writing and help you encourage those you care for to keep writing too!