The Worst Date Ever: How to Start a Storytelling Moment

worst date ever - two red yarn hearts with a knitting needle through them both

You’re at the bar or restaurant, and you’re all alone. Is this going to be the worst date ever? You’ve been waiting for over an hour. Hoping beyond hope that the person who is supposed to be across from you or next to you will still show up. By the end of the night while…

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Why You Need to Share Embarrassing Stories

embarrassing stories

It’s been said that stories are how we connect, how we understand one another, and how we learn empathy. Embarrassing stories can be the funniest to tell and the most meaningful. If you want people to start telling their own stories, then give them a little help!  This blog post will walk you through how…

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How to Celebrate Your Heritage with Storytelling

how to celebrate your heritage

Family history and family heritage are a great place to start when you are first right in your own story or working with someone else.  Knowing how to start can be the tricky part. In this blog post, we’ll explore storytelling moments and how to celebrate your heritage with storytelling, so you can help people…

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Remembering someone who died: Creating a Memorial with Photos

remembering someone who died

Dealing with the death of a loved one can be difficult. One way to remember them is to create something that can remind you of their life and personality, such as a slideshow or video. This can help you cope with your loss, and it can also provide comfort for others who might not know…

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How to Share a Childhood Memory You Love or Love to Hate

candy machines - childhood memory

Have you ever thought about how you would tell your family’s story or childhood memory? What if we are the last generation to remember it? We want our children and grandchildren to know what it was like when they were born, what it was like for us as kids. 52 weeks of storytelling is a…

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