SRU service-learning program is a dream come true for nursing home residents | Slippery Rock University
A Vietnam War veteran finds healing by befriending a Vietnamese student. An eccentric woman discovers joy from her conversations about seeing her favorite professional wrestler. Legacy Project in Long-term Care Stories like the ones highlighted above are common things overhead and experienced in a Legacy Recorder Project. While many people associate “legacies” as being something…
Read MoreLegacy Chat – Something that scared you, but you were able to overcome
What are you afraid of? At some point in our lives, we will all face fear. It might be a fear of heights, of public speaking, or of failure. Whatever the fear may be, it can have a paralyzing effect on our lives. However, fear does not have to be a negative force in our…
Read More9 Ways to Write About Your Favorite Season
What is your favorite season? Legacy Chat was a weekly chat dedicated to helping you write your personal story in a simple & engaging way. One week’s questions… Q1. Do you have a favorite season Q2. What is your favorite season? Q3. Why is it your favorite season Q4. Who do you like to spend…
Read MoreApril 6th #LegacyChat – A moment of truth
Have you ever experienced a moment of truth? Legacy Chat is a weekly chat dedicated to helping you write your personal story in a simple & engaging way. This week’s questions… Q1 Have you ever experienced a #momentoftruth or clarity that u just couldn’t deny? Q2 What truth was it? #momentoftruth Q3 How did this…
Read MoreApril 13th #LegacyChat – favorite spring memory
What is your favorite spring memory? Last Thursday on #LegacyChat we wrote all about our favorite spring memories. Legacy Chat is a weekly chat dedicated to helping you write your personal story in a simple & engaging way. This week’s questions… Q1 Do you have a favorite spring memory? Q2 What happened in your favorite…
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