Posts Tagged ‘volunteers’
Keep the Conversation Going
Think about your day-to-day conversations with those closest to you. What do they look like? Usually, we ask simple questions that evoke simple responses. Surface questions are important building blocks of conversation, but they can be slightly stalling when it comes to keeping the conversation going. This is where we can incorporate everyday storytelling into…
Read MoreHow to Write About Music – 5 Minute Storytelling
Five-minute storytelling starts with music. A compassionate Memory Care activity for seniors by the Legacy Recorder. I believe music is one of those things that can bring people together and spark a conversation that wouldn’t otherwise happen. Each person has their own unique perspective as to why certain music is great, and why certain music…
Read MoreHow to use writing prompts & story prompts with your storytellers
This article explores the power of storytelling and how it can be used to share a legacy. Storytelling is a powerful way to connect generations, share experiences, and bring history to life. Through the use of stories, we can explore the past, learn lessons, and uncover the truths that often remain hidden. By utilizing the…
Read MoreHow to keep your boundaries while being generous
This is probably a touchy subject for a lot of people. No one wants to acknowledge that it isn’t always “fun” volunteering or being in a situation where you don’t feel like you can extricate yourself politely. Even when you really do need to get out of there. I totally get it. It’s hard to…
Read More5 Minute Storytelling – Wanderlust & Travel
This 5-minute storytelling moment takes us to faraway places and warm memories. Reminisce with your residents’ wanderlust years and go with them to their most beloved place on Earth. This practice in storytelling will enhance their day and hopefully help other memories surface. For the full 5 Minute Storytelling Set and others like it, fill…
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