Posts Tagged ‘Writing’
How to Work with Someone to Tell Their Story: Dealing with Dementia, Alzheimer’s, & Memory Loss
How to work with someone to tell their story when they have dementia, Alzheimer’s or another kind of memory loss Sometimes it can be hard to have, what we consider to be, meaningful conversations with someone who is experiencing memory loss. It may even seem silly to you to help someone tell their story…
Read MoreSRU service-learning program is a dream come true for nursing home residents | Slippery Rock University
A Vietnam War veteran finds healing by befriending a Vietnamese student. An eccentric woman discovers joy from her conversations about seeing her favorite professional wrestler. Legacy Project in Long-term Care Stories like the ones highlighted above are common things overhead and experienced in a Legacy Recorder Project. While many people associate “legacies” as being something…
Read MoreLegacy Chat – Something that scared you, but you were able to overcome
What are you afraid of? At some point in our lives, we will all face fear. It might be a fear of heights, of public speaking, or of failure. Whatever the fear may be, it can have a paralyzing effect on our lives. However, fear does not have to be a negative force in our…
Read More9 Ways to Write About Your Favorite Season
What is your favorite season? Legacy Chat was a weekly chat dedicated to helping you write your personal story in a simple & engaging way. One week’s questions… Q1. Do you have a favorite season Q2. What is your favorite season? Q3. Why is it your favorite season Q4. Who do you like to spend…
Read MoreApril 6th #LegacyChat – A moment of truth
Have you ever experienced a moment of truth? Legacy Chat is a weekly chat dedicated to helping you write your personal story in a simple & engaging way. This week’s questions… Q1 Have you ever experienced a #momentoftruth or clarity that u just couldn’t deny? Q2 What truth was it? #momentoftruth Q3 How did this…
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