goodgrief app screenshots

goodgrief app – a resource for loss and grief

Sometime in 2017, I happened across a little startup called the goodgrief app. It came across my twitter feed and I immediately clicked through to see who else was talking about grief out in the open and in the light.

After combing through their social media accounts and reviewing the website, I took the plunge and set up my own account on the app. Ever since I have shouted their name from the rooftops and recommended them to every person I came into contact with.

The goodgrief app is an app designed to match people with similar stories and experiences of loss. As well as matching people up along the lines of age and other life experiences. Why does this matter? By taking the time to match up people based on a variety of data points rather than just by loss, it provides a shorter journey to connection for the people who are matched into groups.

It is similar to how I outline how to match people in Legacy Sessions and storytelling groups. These small groups within the goodgrief app give the members a safe space where other people are very similar to them and can more easily empathize. When the discussions and interactions begin to happen between app members, their base bond over loss is already established and known.

In their words, it is “the social network for loss”.

The app's sorting hat

The app matches and sorts you based on the answers you provide in the beginning when you set up your account. Now, I know what you're thinking. It can't possibly be that cool. It totally is that cool. The reason? The questions go way more in-depth than what we are used to when it comes to setting up online accounts.

The questions include specifics about your loss experience (who died etc), how old you are, whether or not you are married/have children, your geographic location and more. All of these answers provide the app with a grief portrait of sorts with which to sort you into the proper place.

It's all very high tech and intimate at the same time.

App Users

People who are using the app come from all walks of life with one very specific thing in common, loss. Each person has had some loss in their life and is looking for a connection with others. This common ground will aid you and them in making meaningful connections on the app.

As we are all too aware, death is nondiscriminatory and overlooks none. Someone you know may need the app whether you realize it or not. I encourage you to share this article with them or send them straight to the app.

How the founders got the idea

I had the opportunity to chat with one of the founders many months ago and heard first hand the story of how the app came into existence. There is a wonderful article you can read here.

Suffice to say the app idea was born out of a need for meaningful connection that didn't include having to be in a specific place.

I love this notion because it leverages the ability we have as humans to be able to connect through the virtual world. It also validates the relationships and bonds that result. I firmly believe that people can be supportive and help each other even if they can't touch in real life.

Why I am going to continue shouting about goodgrief app

If this app had been around when my dad passed away my grief journey might have been completely different. As a teen mom going into college there wasn't time for grief groups and support meetings. There wasn't childcare for the baby that would monopolize my time outside of school.

The app could have been my lifeline when my grief threatened to drown me and robbed me of my light.

I want this to be an option for anyone who wants to use it. To that end, I will continue to share this app and applaud the founders for recognizing and executing the solution to a very real need.

If you have any questions about the app or my story, please feel free to leave them in the comments.

Happy Writing,
Gael, the Legacy Lady


  1. […] The good grief app is a resource for loss and grief. The ultra-short version is that it sorts people based on grief story and pairs you up based on your life experience. I sincerely wish this app has been around when I was a teenager. As a result, I recommend it every chance I get. You can find a full review and walkthrough here. […]

  2. […] goodgrief app – a resource for loss and grief How to honor death & grief Gael Gilliland […]

  3. […] Goodgrief App – This is a resource for loss and grief like I’ve never seen. I discovered it in 2017 and have been singing its praises to anyone who would listen since! The app is designed to match people with similar stories and experiences of loss so we can have a safe space, with others who empathize, while moving through our grief. I can’t recommend it enough, I hope it will help you as it’s helped me and so many others.  […]

  4. […] The social network for loss – GoodGrief App […]

  5. […] Good Grief app is a social network for those dealing with loss. You can tailor-make a profile pertaining to your […]

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